classikON: Midsummer Dreams Review

classikON: Midsummer Dreams Review

Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra – Simply put, a treat

…The artistic direction of the orchestra is shared by Rachael Beesley and Nicole van Bruggen and their dedication to detail and the authentic performance of these works is to be highly commended.


Beginning with the four delicate woodwind chords in the overture, we were treated to a sense of expectation for the whole concert with excellent intonation and balance…

Peter Hagen, classikON , 8 August 2023

Photo: Ken Nakashini

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Australian Arts Review: Midsummer Dreams Review

Australian Arts Review: Midsummer Dreams Review

…Nor was it difficult to be captivated by the conducting of the Australian Romantic & Classica Orchestra’s co-Artistic Director, Rachael Beesley, who conducted each of the works from her violin…


For this final Canberra concert in its 2023 10th Anniversary season, presented in Canberra’s historic Albert Hall, the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra offered a dazzling performance of works by Mendelssohn and Beethoven for which it had gathered together 41 of Australia’s finest early music exponents.

Bill Stevens OAM, Australian Arts Review (3 August 2023)

Image: Peter Hislop

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Canberra City News: Midsummer Dreams Review

Canberra City News: Midsummer Dreams Review

The Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra treated the audience to a special program of Mendelssohn and Beethoven.

Opening with Mendelssohn’s “Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Op.61”, a shimmering array of chords were elegantly played by the woodwinds. They were then suddenly whisked away in the wind by the strings who entered with a gentle whisper, gradually intensifying into a wonderful, almost dance-like theme. The musical line was then developed throughout the orchestra and was concluded by the repetition of the crystal-clear intonation of the opening chords in the woodwinds.


They are like a magical, musical engine; made up of many individual parts but operating as one whole. The virtuosity of the entire orchestra was remarkable

Canberra City News (2 August 2023)

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Limelight: Midsummer Dreams Review

Limelight: Midsummer Dreams Review

For this concert, the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra boasted musicians from all Australian states and territories together with several Australian expats from all over Europe and the USA, and what a fine band it was for this first concert of the Orchestra’s current eastern seaboard tour.

Titled Midsummer Dreams, the program opened with Mendelssohn’s Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, followed by two symphonies: Beethoven’s 8th, with Mendelssohn’s 3rd, Scottish, following interval.


Again, leading from the violin, Beesley produced some very refreshing interpretations of volume, note values, phrasing and timing. Like the Overture, Beesley led at a lively tempo all the way through. The orchestra responded superbly to every one of her calls of expression, colour and textures.


…with sustained applause for the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra. Its founder, the late Richard Gill, would have been proud.

Clinton White, Limelight (31 July 2023)

Photo: Bradley Kanaris

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Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra: New Perspectives

Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra: New Perspectives

A terrific concert by the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra, streamed by the Australian Digital Concert Hall from the Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts in Melbourne.

Featuring  guest leader US violinist Jenna Sherry, we heard two works finely played…All the instruments come together to create a deliciously captivating concert.

  • Lynne Lancaster, Sydney Arts Guide (23 June 2023)

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Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra, absolute masters

Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra, absolute masters

…a performance of abundant energy and great refinement….

These nine musicians are absolute masters of their instruments and masters of the music they performed. There was such unanimity in their phrasing and a common intent providing ensemble playing of the highest order.


The whole performance was of such a high standard that I have nothing but praise for all the musicians.

  • Peter Hagen, ClassikON 12 June 2023

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Australian Arts Review: New Perspectives Review

Australian Arts Review: New Perspectives Review

“Given the quality of the musicians, it seems superfluous to mention that the work was superbly played, with fastidious attention to detail, and each of the nine instruments given opportunity to shine.”

There is something very special about being in the room when it happens and highly skilled musicians are creating before your very eyes. This was the feeling that washed over as the nine musicians of the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra launched into the opening bars of Louise Farrenc’s Nonet in E flat major, op.38.

Bill Stevens OAM, Australian Arts Review (20 June 2023)

Image: Peter Hislop

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Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra at the Neilson, ACO

Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra at the Neilson, ACO

The musicians breathed life into their instruments and moved as one through small gestures and eye contact, there was great care and trust within the orchestra. You could feel the rhythm and movements of each note surrounding the audience, taking us on a playful and whimsical wonderland.

Violinist Jenna Sherry captivated the audience as the concertmaster, performing technically complex solos combining long strokes and finger plucking. She led wonderfully with smooth transitions and was patient with each pause to allow her companions to tune in and take a breather. The ensemble filled the space with a radiating presence and truly brought music to my ears.

  • Cynthia Ning Reviews (5 June 2023)

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Limelight: New Perspectives Review

Limelight: New Perspectives Review

“…The ensemble’s handling of Beethoven’s Septet was exemplary, with the interweaving of strings and winds in the melting Adagio cantabile a memory to cherish.”

“…she [Anneke Scott] negotiated challenging passages with spot-on intonation and articulation. I haven’t heard such impeccable playing on this extraordinarily difficult instrument in a long time.”

“…Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra co-artistic director Nicole van Bruggen’s clarinet combined beautifully with Tatjana Zimre’s oboe for some soaring passages while flautist Georgia Browne’s deft playing was a delight.”

Limelight, (4 June 2023)

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Maddie Selected for Historic Style of Music Tutelage

Maddie Selected for Historic Style of Music Tutelage

NURTURING professional musicians of the future, 43 students aged from 13 to 23, including Canterbury’s Maddie Gough, 16, were selected last month to take part in the Young Mannheim Symphonists 2023 National Academy in Brisbane.

Culminating in a spectacular concert as the finale, the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra (ARCO) hosted the popular youth orchestra program as part of its residential camp series.

Local News Plus, 17 May 2023

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Immersed in Classical Music

Immersed in Classical Music

Young musicians from all over Australia gathered recently in Brisbane for the Young Mannheim Symphonists 2023 National Academy. Cobargo’s Nyah Cockle was among those empowered by the experience.

Bega District News, 11 May 2023

Wilberforce Teen Among 43 Young Mannheim Symphonists 2023 In Brisbane

Wilberforce Teen Among 43 Young Mannheim Symphonists 2023 In Brisbane

Seventeen-year-old India Culey, currently studying at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, hails from Wilberforce, but her musical skill and passion have already started taking her places.

She recently joined 42 other young Australians from across the country to attend the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra’s residential music camp as part of its popular Young Mannheim Symphonists youth orchestra program.

The six-day live-in music fest, held at St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly in Brisbane, culminated in a splendid celebratory concert.

The Hawkesbury Phoenix, 5 May 2023

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India Joins Young Mannheim Symphonists

India Joins Young Mannheim Symphonists

She was just 7 years old when she begin playing the viola, and India Culey’s love of music has only grown in the last decade.

Miss Culey is currently studying Musical Performance at the Sydney Conservatorium.

“I actually wanted to study Historical Performance, but I was told I needed to work on my technique,” Miss Culey said.

The young violist recently attended the Young Mannheim Symphonists 2023 National Academy.


“It was different to all the other camps I had been to.

“You go to these camps and you play music, but the Young Mannheim Symphonists had a real focus on education.

Hawkesbury Phoenix, 1 May 2023

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Beethoven and Farrenc on National Tour

Beethoven and Farrenc on National Tour

It’s a musical battle of the sexes – Ludwig van Beethoven and Louise Ferrenc will share the program when The Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra goes on tour at the end of May. 

Taking in Sydney, Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Newcastle and Melbourne, the New Perspectives tour will include a mix of outstanding local musicians and international guest artists. 

The fully global ensemble features three visiting overseas artists: London-based hornist, Anneke Scott; German oboist Tatjana Zimre; and American violinist Jenna Sherry. 

Rita Bratovich, City Hub, 26 April 2023

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Global Ensemble Showcases Beethoven and Farrenc In National Tour

Global Ensemble Showcases Beethoven and Farrenc In National Tour

The Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra returns to the concert stage from 31 May with a national tour - taking in Sydney, Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Newcastle and Melbourne.

And - as always - the ensemble features a mix of outstanding locally-based and returning Australian internationals plus the cream of overseas musicians - all of them specialists in historically informed performance.

Stephi Wild, Broadway World, 21 April 2023

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ClassikON: Viennese Vogue Review

ClassikON: Viennese Vogue Review

“Rapturous applause for Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra”

“…There was again this special rapport between the players, which felt like a conversation. In the opening the strings’ melodies descended, while the clarinet soared in response. Mozart swapped motives between the instruments, making them all equal partners in conversation. The second movement was particularly serene  when Nicole used the lower notes of her basset clarinet. Throughout this Quintet she played expressively with expertise, like the virtuoso (Anton Stadler) it was written for. The music became increasingly cheerful towards the end. This innovative work was like an old friend to me, but this time the friend was historically informed.”

Heidi Hereth, classikON (March 22 2023)

Image: Teniola Komolafe

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Australian Arts Review: Viennese Vogue Review

Australian Arts Review: Viennese Vogue Review

“Violinist Peter Clark wears his delight in the music on his sleeve, swooning over phrases, ending others with extravagant flourishes, frequently smiling encouragement and approval to his colleagues, who, relaxed and confident in their playing, were happy to respond.”


“…This set the tone for the evening because apart from the stunning musicianship on display this work turned into a delightful musical conversation between the four instrumentalists.”


“…These provided van Bruggen with the opportunity to display her brilliant technique and mastery of her instrument, as well as provide an exciting conclusion to a superb concert.”

Australian Arts Review, 21 March 2023

Image: Hikari Photography

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State of the Art: Viennese Vogue Review

State of the Art: Viennese Vogue Review

5 stars

This concert showcased the unique opportunities the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra offers to Australian audiences in respect of historically informed performance.

The title ‘Viennese Vogue’ is apt to draw attention to the vagaries of Viennese musical taste in the Classical and Romantic eras, wavering as it did from one style to another in the space of a few years. But, in particular, this concert was an exploration, if not a veritable tour de force, of the versatility of the clarinet, which was then in its infancy as an instrument finding its place among the expanding forces of European chamber music…

State of the Art, March 20, 2023

Image: Teniola Komolafe

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